讀了《If I Ran for President》 他忍不住畫下民主黨的驢 和共和黨的象 |
《Peter And Jane》是我們英文的起點,他是從這套書開始,才真正對英文有了感覺,看得懂字、句,唸得出來。
我們唸過 FREE eBook Library from Oxford Owl,CoolEnglish 裡的 Scholastic Bookflix。兩者都能聽它唸,再跟讀。有畫面、有文字,閱讀時圖文對照,對內容了解很有幫助,不只是在學英文。尤其 Oxford Owl 電子書品質很不錯。
但差不多都被我們唸完了,除了些目前對他來說太難的。Storyline Online 唸完後,再回頭去唸,無論是回味過去喜歡的繪本,還是挑戰以前覺得很難的書,應該都蠻有趣的。
在此記錄 Storyline Online 唸的繪本,補之前只留印象,沒留記錄的缺憾。從 Storyline Online 開始,我請他唸完「寫」下一句喜歡的句子,讀了這麼久了,也該動動筆,「寫」的時候就會意識到拼字、句子的結構。
- Strega Nona 2023/1/10
這本超有趣!Tomie dePaola 的故事和畫,滿是義大利風情,讀者用義大利口音唸對話,咒語部分用「唱」的,同時用復古手風琴伴奏:
Bubble, bubble, pasta pot.
Boil me some pasta nice and hot.
I'm hungry and it's to sup.
Boil enough to fill me up. - Sophie's Masterpiece 2023/1/7
"Booties" cried Sophie. The young woman was going to have a baby. - When A Dragon Moves In 2023/1/1
With a dragon in your castle, you'll have a built-in marshmallow toaster. - Enemy Pie 12/31
在2022年最後一天讀完這本,完成今年讀完四十本的小心願。 - The House That Jane Built 12/27
Jane 六歲看到需要幫助的人,便埋下想做事改善世界的心願。最後她藉由建立 Hull House技能訓練所,幫助需要的人自立、改變社區風氣。(我喜歡作者把一些真實問題也寫出來,比如:有人破壞、有人偷東西,Jane 抓住那個偷東西準備破窗而逃的人,跟他說:「門在那裡,從門出去才不會受傷。」)
當飯粒弟唸完 Jane 的故事,問我:這故事是真的嗎?我不知道,沒想到再往下看,唸故事的人便說:It's true. 我們倆個張大眼睛,覺得好神奇:這影片會通靈嗎?
心裡懷抱希望,世界會回應你! - Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! 12/24
Mo是愛吃蔬菜的Zombie,但他的父母完全不喜歡,因此:Mo's heart sank to his toes.
但對於無中生有的「發明」,所有人造的事物,我會保持一點戒心,先觀察觀察再說。 - Memoirs of an Elf 12/23
「妳不知道 elf ?」他用吃驚的語氣問我。原來 elf 是精靈,電玩裡常出現的角色。但對我來說,它真是個生字。 - The rainbow fish 12/18
The more he gave away, the more delighted he became.
這本書出現面前多次,一直不想唸它,因為它殘留著不好的印象。今日再唸,還是不喜歡其他魚因為 rainbow fish 不願拔鱗片給他們,便集體排拒 rainbow fish。
若有人開口向你要東西,你就要給,這似乎有點奇怪。 - The kiss that missed 12/16
The king promised to stop always being in a hurry. - The coal thief 12/13
The mountain of coal had swallowed him up. - Remember to dream 12/11
You are the caotain of all your dreams. - Snappsy The Alligator 12/10
It's just a coincidence! - A Tale of Two Beasts 12/7
I raced back to the deep dark woods, before the terrible beast could catch me. - Hanukkah in Alaska 12/4
A rainbow on black velvet. They're called the northern lights. - Rent Party Jazz 12/3
That money belongs to anybody who needs it for rent or food. - Guji Guji 2022/11/30
Everyday Guji Guji became a stronger and happier "crocoduck". - Clark the Shark 2022/11/29
Maybe if I make a rhyme, I'll remember everytime. - Library Lion 2022/11/27
Sometimes there was a good reason to break rules. Even in the library. - I'm Not Scared, YOU'RE Scared! 2022/11/21
Bear felt something he had never felt before, courage. - The Tale of Peter Rabbit 2022/11/20
It was a blue jacket with brass buttons; it was quite new. - Mice Twice 2022/11/15
He tried to back away, but Cat house, was too tight around him. - If I Ran for President 2022/11/13
The two major parties are the Democratic party and the Republican party. - Julius, the Baby of the World 2022/11/11
GA-A-A-A MAA-OOO MMOOO. Such a vocabulary! -
Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo
The yak played the sax until red in the face - a surprisingly musical mammal. -
No More Noisy Nights
So he shut his ears with cotton ball, pulled on his thickest ski cap, wrapped his pillow around his head. -
The Empty Pot
I admire Ping's great courage to appear before me with the empty truth. -
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The shoemaker and his wife lived a long and happy life. -
Quackenstein Hatches a Family
Quack could feel his cold heart melt. -
Sebastian's Roller Skates
He'd like to be tall enough to reach every single button in the elevator, even the ones at the very top. -
No Mirrors in My Nana's House 2022/10/30
The beauty in everything was in her eyes. -
Turkey Trouble
"Oink, Oink, Oink" snorted Pig. "Holy cow ! Is that you, Turkey ?"
Storyline Online 其實是一段段 YouTube 影片,但它的字幕不是自動產生,至少英文不是,因此我們是看字幕唸。唸時要自己搶時機在斷句時按暫停,有時按慢了,字幕就跑走了。
很多繪本都是一個基本句型重覆出現,就像照樣造句。今天又按慢了,字幕跑走了,但類似的句子已重覆出現多次,於是我讓他試著自己說看看。有些漏字,像是: But looking [at] Pig g[i]ve Turkey a new idea. 沒有注意到時態。
唸下一本時,可以來試試:聽、讀幾次後,不看字幕唸,再對照字幕。 -
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge 2022/10/26
What's a Memory? Something that makes you cry, my boy.
唸完這本簡單的書後,想省事的他發現,他竟選了本書名最長的書⋯⋯(因為要抄下書名) -
Me and My Cat
"Bowwowowowowowowow!" The Cats ran away in all directions. -
T-he Tooth
Now, all he needed was a pillow. -
Please Please the Bees
Every month! Every year! Do the math, Einstein!
The Kissing Hand 2022/10/20
唸時已晚,他想來本簡單的,年級程度是 K - 1st、只有 5 分鐘。但唸完後,我們都覺得這本有點無聊。下次還是讀年級高一點的書。 -
The Night I Followed the Dog 2022/10/18
This is a place where dogs can be dogs.
沒到他現在的 sense 已到這個程度,和我感受到的一樣,我也很喜歡這句。
詩有「詩眼」,故事核心是「梗」嗎? -
When Pigasso Met Mootisse 2022/10/16
While the other piglets rolled in the mud, Pigasso painted. -
Harry the Dirty Dog
He changed from a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots. -
Arnie the Doughnut 2022/10/11
Who could you protect me from -- a cookie?姐姐帶回來美國口味甜甜圈
因為那正是他們倆上月讀《Arnie the Doughnut》時,
在繪本裡看到的那種甜甜圈。 -
Halloween Hustle 2022/10/9
He sticks his bones back into place, adds rubber bands, just in case. -
Carla's Sandwich
回頭找書時發現這本我們也唸過,因為裡面談到許多噁心的「特製」三明治。但沒記錄,補上。 -
Maddi's Fridge 2022/10/8
The sun went down behind the buildings and took all the colors with it.